Saturday, March 8, 2014

MacBook iPhoto Retouch


     I was talking to my teachers Lee and Jayna, and I told them about a feature I found on my 7 year old MacBook.
     I was in the hospital, visiting my Dad after heart surgery last Summer. I had him take my picture. I realized there was lady sitting behind me that I didn't even know. We went to the reception room and took another picture. The dark wood paneling cast a dark shadow over my face.

     I liked the original picture best. I was facing the window, and there were no shadows. In addition to the strange lady behind me, I also didn't like the wrinkle lines on my neck. There was also a crooked calendar on the wall, overshadowing my ear.

     I plugged my camera into my MacBook and got into iPhoto. I went to "Edit". I hit "Retouch" which has a picture of a paintbrush. It has instructions, "Drag over the affected area."

     I dragged the paint brush over the lady behind me, and she blurred into the wallpaper. I dragged over the rumpled sheets, and they blended into the bedspread. I "brushed" away the calendar, and it blended into the wallpaper. I "brushed" over the lines on my neck, and they disappeared (happy day!).

     I was able to go back and forth between different tries, but once I saved it and left "Edit" I couldn't get the original back. Now, even if I plug in the camera, I can't get the original picture back. iPhoto adjusts it every time.

     So... now I have the edited version, but not the original.

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